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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Your feedback is required

UPDATE: I've changed the date on this entry to keep it up the top of the page until the end of this month, when it will start to drop down as subsequent entries are done after that date. Thanks for your understanding. :-)

I have over 50 people a day coming to this website, with some of them regulars. However, while that's an obvious sign that there's something that is pulling that many people to visit, I'm not retaining all of them. I want to. I want to make this site more attractive to the regulars and to the newcomers.

So please help me do that. Please answer the following questions in the Comments section. Your participation would be most appreciated, and would help me write more of what YOU want.
  1. What do you like about this blog?
  2. What do you NOT like about this blog?
  3. What would you like to see MORE of?
  4. What would you like to see LESS of?
If you'd like to add more feedback, please do so - or click on the Feedback link at the top left. Thank you.


Posted on 11/01/2005 12:00:00 AM

If you have found value in what Alan (the author) has given you, please leave a donation for him so you can enjoy the spirit of giving too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like: can be random at times the shit you talk about
less of: political bs
more of: randomness
don't like: ummm too much crap on the page (all teh links stats etc etc) its a blog ffs ;)

10/13/2005 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like what you're doing now, that's why I return often.

I like the links, give me some other places to fly to.

10/14/2005 05:07:00 AM  
Blogger Chancelucky said...

I don't think any blog or any medium retains all its viewers forever. It's just the nature of things. I go back and forth between being hyper aware even obsessive about my hit counts to telling myself that my blog is just a place to express myself and not deal with the vagaries of conventional publication (one of those vagaries is that other forms are dependent on what others think).

1. I do enjoy the more personal stuff here.

2) I also do happen to like the more political peices as well.

I think the thing that keeps me reading, other than the fact that you were the first stranger to link my blog back, is that there's an earnestness to what you write. It's clear to me that it's what you think and feel. Some days it's more intriguing than others, but it's not about selling me something or defending some imposed ideology. As long as it stays that way, I'll keep looking at pretty much whatever you care to write about that day.

10/14/2005 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've known this was here but never had the time to respond. Today, I will make time.

Likes: The honesty. You talk from the heart and I like that. Some of the things you share are very personal, and I like that too. And I love hearing about Eve. :)

Dislikes: I'm nitpicking here, so ignore it if you want because it's no big deal. I do sometimes find myself skipping the longer version of posts because I can't be bothered clicking on "read more". And...I'm not into politics so I don't always read those posts but that's fine too.

More/Less: I'll pass on this.

Just keep doing what you're doing. I visit most days. I don't always comment but a blog is where the writer shares their views, sometimes I want to say something, sometimes I don't. It doesn't mean no-one's reading.

10/17/2005 05:13:00 PM  
Blogger Bonnie said...

I arrived here because my blog patrol listed you as a visitor to my site and a referral site to mine. Like you I keep mine personal, try to keep it humorous when I can, and only touch on the political if it is something really really really important to me. I like your site as it is. My question to you is we both seem to have the same issues. I get a lot of hits some days but NO ONE LEAVES COMMENTS!! Like even a hi, stopped by or something like that. Do you have any suggestions on how to encourage people not to be shy about leaving a comment?

10/23/2005 03:05:00 AM  
Blogger Alan Howard said...

Bonnie, if you could give me the link to your blog, I could have a look and see if I can come up with some solutions for you. Thanks

10/23/2005 10:37:00 AM  
Blogger Alan Howard said...

Just testing, please ignore

10/26/2005 08:36:00 AM  

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