Travelling to Brisbane
There's been a lot of things happening between Michelle and I that have been particularly hard to deal with, but we're doing the best that we can in trying to get over what has been, and move on into friendship. It's been very difficult for her, and as a result, it's been difficult for me too. None of you are ever likely to know what it's been like, or what's been happening, because I'm not going to say anything out of respect for Michelle. However, I needed to say just that, because there's a lot of things I choose not to talk about in here. I know this journal is all about the events in my life and my feelings about them, but things are still too sensitive to go into some areas. I'm sure that one day things will return to normal in here, but right now, things aren't normal. But hey, that's been the story of my life...
A few day ago I started organising the trip to Brisbane. I was annoyed that my preliminary negotiations with a travel agent had them offering me an airfare priced above their advertised price. I replied to the email with that information, questioning the logic in them stating they were giving me a good deal when in fact it was higher than their advertised price! They haven't replied to me yet... I may have to phone them on Monday and have a serious chat to them about it. If they can't do better, then I'll just find a different travel agent.
The date for travel to Brisbane will be 22nd - 26th March. I'm quite looking forward to it, as I'll get to catch up with Dan again, plus another friend (hi Sandy!). And if anyone else wants to meet up with me in Brisbane, please just contact me and let me know.
A few day ago I started organising the trip to Brisbane. I was annoyed that my preliminary negotiations with a travel agent had them offering me an airfare priced above their advertised price. I replied to the email with that information, questioning the logic in them stating they were giving me a good deal when in fact it was higher than their advertised price! They haven't replied to me yet... I may have to phone them on Monday and have a serious chat to them about it. If they can't do better, then I'll just find a different travel agent.
The date for travel to Brisbane will be 22nd - 26th March. I'm quite looking forward to it, as I'll get to catch up with Dan again, plus another friend (hi Sandy!). And if anyone else wants to meet up with me in Brisbane, please just contact me and let me know.
Posted on 2/17/2001 09:12:00 AM