On Saturday I got around to getting Eve (my cat) vaccinated for the first time. I'd completely forgotten about it for a while, but then I thought about how it must be time to let her go outside, so I got her vaccinated first. On Sunday (yesterday) I let her outside. It was quite funny. She knows that she's not allowed outside, so when I left the door open for her she was standing on the doorstep, just on the inside, not quite sure what to do. She was looking outside and looking at me and looking outside and looking at me. When I didn't do anything she jumped out and ran up the pathway. Hehehe. Then she stopped and looked back at me, obviously wondering what was wrong, wondering why I wasn't trying to grab her and put her back inside. But I went inside instead, and just left the door partly open. I went out about 10 minutes later, and she was snuffling around in the bushes, inspecting every leaf and twig, and really having a good time. I went back inside. Another 10 minutes went by and I heard her meowing. So I went outside and she saw me and came trotting inside. She'd had enough of her adventure for the day and was reassuring herself I was still around, then she came inside. It was very cute.
Posted on
9/27/2004 08:13:00 PM
I've finished the training last week, and have been working on site development this week for the department I'm responsible for (in relation to their presence on the new intranet). I realised today that I'm doing what I really love.
Site development involves creating parts of the website to help facilitate more effective work through communication and collaboration. It basically means, for me, that I'm setting things up to help people do their work more efficiently. It's exciting and enjoyable, as I'm running around talking to people, finding out what they want, and then creating something to help them do what they want. It's great! I'm really loving it.
That's change #1.
The second change is that 'princess' and I broke up for the second time on the weekend. Unfortunately, the relationship wasn't going in the direction that I felt happy with, and there wasn't any sense of it getting any better. I've given it 6 months and two attempts, but this last weekend was almost like the straw breaking the camel's back. I realised from a few things she did and wasn't willing to compromise on, that it just wasn't going to work.
It's very sad when something that has so much promise ends up failing. But it's not the promise that keeps people together, it's happiness and satisfaction, and neither of those things were present for me.
I've tried talking to her about it many times, but her reply was only that it was how she was. That's fair enough, but it wasn't something I was happy continuing to be with, under the circumstances of how it was. She knows what I mean, and that's all that matters.
I'm always sorry when something special ends. I just hope that we can be friends and continue enjoying each other's company without the 'stress' of relationship getting in the way of it.
Posted on
9/22/2004 08:12:00 PM
I've completed the training for my company, in how to use the features of our new intranet. It's been very exciting, not to mention very challenging. I'm sitting here at home, listening to Enya on an online music station I use for relaxing music, relaxing after a hard day at work. Well, not exactly a 'hard day', but a day nevertheless. The training material was completed on Wednesday night (after working from 9am - 10:30pm) and released to the company on Thursday. Small refinements were made that day and yesterday, and after various feedback from people last night over Friday afternoon beers, I came in today and made some more changes, to make it that much better. At the same time as I've been creating the training material, I've also been made 'Site Administrator' for the Services department I've been part of. That's been pretty involving too, getting various people to provide information for their respective areas on the intranet, and trying to pull it all together. Overall, everything has come together in such a way that I'm in a great position for moving forward, and definitely not moving back. I had a good conversation with my manager last night. There's been a lot of positive feedback about my work, and how beneficial it's been to the company. The gist of the conversation was that good things are coming my way, including moving into a permanent role completely different to where I've been before, but more in line with what I want to do, and what I've been doing the past few months (on supporting the new intranet). Also included in that is a pay rise.  Over the past couple of months I've gotten a few new things in my life. A large-screen tv (33"), and a larger computer desk and a book case. As my cat starts calming down somewhat and stops with the couch-scratching, I'll get rid of the torn up couch and get a better one.
Posted on
9/18/2004 08:11:00 PM
I've completed the training for my company, in how to use the features of our new intranet. It's been very exciting, not to mention very challenging. I'm sitting here at home, listening to Enya on an online music station I use for relaxing music, relaxing after a hard day at work. Well, not exactly a 'hard day', but a day nevertheless. The training material was completed on Wednesday night (after working from 9am - 10:30pm) and released to the company on Thursday. Small refinements were made that day and yesterday, and after various feedback from people last night over Friday afternoon beers, I came in today and made some more changes, to make it that much better. At the same time as I've been creating the training material, I've also been made 'Site Administrator' for the Services department I've been part of. That's been pretty involving too, getting various people to provide information for their respective areas on the intranet, and trying to pull it all together. Overall, everything has come together in such a way that I'm in a great position for moving forward, and definitely not moving back. I had a good conversation with my manager last night. There's been a lot of positive feedback about my work, and how beneficial it's been to the company. The gist of the conversation was that good things are coming my way, including moving into a permanent role completely different to where I've been before, but more in line with what I want to do, and what I've been doing the past few months (on supporting the new intranet). Also included in that is a pay rise.  Over the past couple of months I've gotten a few new things in my life. A large-screen tv (33"), and a larger computer desk and a book case. As my cat starts calming down somewhat and stops with the couch-scratching, I'll get rid of the torn up couch and get a better one.
Posted on
9/18/2004 08:11:00 AM
Today, for the first time in over 10 years, I ran a spiritual development group session for myself and a couple of colleagues from work. We sat on couches at Starbucks and discussed what our interest in spirituality was about, what we'd experienced in the past, why we were interested, and what we wanted to get out of the weekly meetings.
It was good, and I was all inspired again to get into this more than I have been.
I'm planning on creating a weekly theme at these meetings, and the theme will revolve around some kind of spiritual, psychic or life concept that we can discuss, and that I can provide an exercise for them to do during the week, so that at the next session we can discuss our results from the exercise.
I've also been inspired to change my own focus in life, to be more spiritually-oriented rather than life-oriented. Yes, it's time for me to actually get back into it. A ten-year break is more than enough time to have developed certain life skills, which were lacking back then, and use that as a foundation upon which to develop more down-to-earth spiritual skills.
I know the dangers of ego. I know what to be careful of, what to look out for, and how to teach a little better.
I've invited a number of people that I know to be part of 'Making Masters', which is the name I'm now calling my spiritual 'project'. I hope they'll join this site (or become more active), at least in the Making Masters section, so that as a group of people we can teach each other, learn from each other, and share what we know with others around us.
It's time to start helping people, and to spread that help around.
Posted on
9/07/2004 08:10:00 PM
I was involved in a conversation this afternoon at work with two of my colleagues, Pauline and Liza. It started when Pauline was telling Liza about going to see a medium at the end of September, and Liza said she'd like to go as well. Then they started talking about seances and ouija boards. At that point I got involved, 'cause I can't sit back and let people talk about getting into something that I know can be so dangerous. So after talking about ouija boards, etc, and mediums and psychic abilities, it became obvious to them that I knew a lot about all of this, so discussion turned to what my own experiences were. I told them I used to be able to read people's past and future through psychometry. They asked me why I stopped, and I said it was because I lost faith. I had an experience which made me doubt everything I had once taken for gospel. They said I should get back into it. Conversation continued, and I told them I used to run a spiritual development group a long time ago. (It seems like only yesterday, but it was 11-12 years ago!) Then they wanted me to run a spiritual development group for them! I laughed, and said no. They said they'd book out the boardroom for it. I said no. They said they'd send an email around the Wellington office and get interested people to come along. I said NO! They said why not? I said it needs to be in a relaxed environment, where the energy is not so frantic as in a corporate office, and everyone needs to be relaxed and not thinking about work. So then we started talking about just having conversations about it during lunch hours, and starting up a meditation group after work or on weekends. Fascinating. I could be 'forced' back into doing what I left behind 10 years ago. I don't think I'll mind.  We are challenged into doing things that we need to do, even if we don't realise it. So if they want me to run a spiritual development group, and I feel from our conversations that they're serious about it, then that's just what I'll do.
Posted on
9/02/2004 08:09:00 PM