Americans, please help me understand
- ignoring Congress
- ignoring the Constitution
- breaking over 750 US laws
- ignoring the Bill of Rights
- ignoring the will of you, the people of America
- stating that he can do whatever he likes, according to his personal interpretations
- basing his foreign policy on what God tells him to do
Please, can you help me understand why you'll kick out President Clinton for lying about those improper sexual relations, but you'll keep President Bush if office for lying about weapons of mass destruction; lies which caused the deaths of untold thousands of people, including over 2,000 Americans.
Please, can you help me understand why you don't want a President who lies about his sexual relations, but you do seem to want a President who breaks laws and causes the deaths of thousands of people around the world.
Please, can you help me understand how the rest of the world can understand where you're coming from when you support a President who violates everything that you, the American people, claim you hold so dear?
Please, can you help me understand why I should have any sympathy for those of you who willingly and aggressively give away your freedom and your liberty to a President who is quite happily taking it away from you in the name of freedom and liberty, thus leaving you with nothing?
Please, can you help me understand?
Posted on 5/02/2006 09:50:00 AM
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