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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Afghanistan shares American lunacy

An Afghan who converted to Christianity some 20 years ago has been arrested in Afghanistan and faces execution for leaving behind the Muslim religion he used to be part of. The only defence he has that might save him is pleading insanity. Apparently he 'doesn't speak like normal people', which gives rise to the judges thinking he might be insane.

Maybe he speaks like a Christian... I'm sure, for Muslims, that's grounds for insanity just there. What seems more likely though, is that the US-sponsored government, in the face of global criticism, is trying to find a way out of executing him and yet maintaining their religious laws.

Uncommon Sense has an interesting opinion...
...the imperative is to protect ourselves, America, and indeed, rational and freedom-loving people worldwide from clearly conveyed threats. I mean, that's an imperative, to outweigh all other considerations, no matter how grave. It will be fine with me to let those dirt-scratching primitives deal with one-another as the misogynist, mystical, pre-conceptual organisms they are. I don't know if they are prepared to keep to their primitive ways, and I don't know if the seeds for any sort of eventual Enlightenment have yet been sown.

To execute a man because of his religious beliefs, via the organized power of the state, with the citizenry cheering you on...? And they're breeding and reproducing misogynist, mystical, pre-conscious offspring by the millions...?

Well, those who speak the language and desire Enlightenment for the Muslim world had better get on the ball, because with this wide of a gulf between primitivity and modernity, with some of these regimes getting awfully close to nuclear and/or biological weapons technology, this just might not end well for them; and, as I said: there is the imperative.

I'll leave it at that, the implications being clear.

The imperative, which he implies clearly enough, seems to be kill all those 'dirt-scratching primitives' before they kill Americans.

I can understand this fear causing the belief that everyone who's a 'dirt-scratching primitive' should be exterminated before they cause the deaths of a few Americans.

But then again, I can also understand that these 'primitives', hearing about how so many (Republican - see comments) Americans want to exterminate them, might feel forced to resort to 'pre-emptive defence', which America has already shown is 'fair and legitimate'.

It's attitudes like this which (Republican) America has caused, which is the real reason for the problem in the first place.
  • (Republican) Americans: "We have to defend ourselves by killing everyone else, before they can attack us."
  • Everyone else: "Hmmm. Obviously we have to defend ourselves first, before they have the chance to defend themselves!"
The flaws behind this (Republican) American logic (is that an oxymoron?) is what's causing the 'terrorist problem' in the first place.

Those who are oppressed will always rise up against their oppressors, to fight for their freedom.

It seems that most (Republican) Americans just don't get it. They don't understand that they are the oppressors, believing their way is the right way, and that they are forcing everyone else to fight for their rights, and their freedoms, which (Conservative) America seems so determined to take away.

This idiocy will only stop when (Republican) Americans become more tolerant of non-Americans, or when they're exterminated themselves, because it seems quite obvious that to them, anyone who's not American, who doesn't have (Republican) American values, is a threat to them.

And that means pretty much the entire world.

Posted on 3/23/2006 03:09:00 PM

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm back. I understand how you think it's American lunacy, but I wish you would clarify that it's Conservative Republican lunacy that you speak of. Unfortunately, slightly more than 50% of the people believed the Bush/Republican nonsense. Now it is probably closer to 30 to 35%. Even stupid people can learn, but it's a little late now.

So, as one of the many patriotic Americans who disagrees with our government, please distinguish where the lunacy comes from. Calling all Americans stupid only perpetuates the hatred towards Americans that we already feel, much of which was brought on by conservative Republican agendas.

Thanks for reading and I invite you all to come visit my blog occasionally.

3/23/2006 03:46:00 PM  
Blogger Alan Howard said...

That's a very fair point you make, Atul, and thank you for pointing it out to me. I've edited the post accordingly, and will endeavour to remember this in future.

3/23/2006 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you believe that the author of that post (me) at Uncommon Sense is or has ever been a republican in his life, you aren't very familiar with that blog.

I'm just not interested in a 1 in 270 millionth say in my own affairs, be it democrat or republican. I have no use for either.

At any rate, no, I am not talking about preemptive extermination, so you're dead wrong on two counts, which was essentially your entire argument.

3/24/2006 01:19:00 PM  
Blogger Alan Howard said...

rn, thanks for commenting, I appreciate you taking the time to do so.

I actually don't believe you're Republican, which is why I very much enjoy your blog, and added you to my Blogroll. I don't enjoy Republicans...

But the views I attributed to what you wrote are, apparently, 'Republican views'. I admit as well, that I'm not an expert on these things.

I apologise if I misinterpreted your views, but I suspect that if I did, then so did many others.

Maybe you could take the time to explain what your implications really are?

3/24/2006 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any resemblance of my views to those of republicans, democrats, or anyone else is purely coincidental, and, if you dig deep enough, you'll discover differences.

For instance, much of the republican right support for this war stems from a Christian perspective that Muslims are heretics (where have you heard that before?). Natually, as an athiest, I think they're both full of shit.

Thanks for stopping by.

3/24/2006 04:32:00 PM  
Blogger Alan Howard said...

my pleasure RN. Thank YOU for stopping by. I hope you'll continue checking back every now and again

3/24/2006 04:37:00 PM  

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